
All questions on English language


Which witch is which? How do we work out the different aspects of the English Language when there are so many homophones? Do you know the definition to these? Which - Witch They're - There Here - Hear

Which - Most of the time it is the beginning of a question associated with a choice for e.g. "which car do you like?" OR it can be used to connect to a clause e.g. "I like that car which is red". A clause can be thought of as an aside statement that is not part of the main flow of the text but provides more information for the reader. "Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, which is good for us muggles". In UK English, the tone can also be lower for the second part of that sentence, if the point is not so important, or higher to emphasis the importance of the information. Witch is a noun. In English, nouns rarely begin a sentence. Pronouns or articles (a,an,the) often come in front. So it would not make sense to write "Witch burned" but rather "The witch burned"They're - This really depends on your accent. I have always tried to express this as a squashed "They-are". They're refers to a group of people...There - ...whereas there can be pronounced more lightly on the tongue. There refers to a place or a position "Over there is the treasure"Here - Similar to there, but at the speaker current location. It is a ADVERB, ADJECTIVE and a NOUN.Hear - To listen and gain that information. Not the same as "listen" as that doesn't mean you've heard some noise but you are trying to hear. Hear is solely a VERB. Here and hear both sound the same, it is true. In English, its what word is allowed in the sentence (verb, noun, adverb, adjective...) which determines how you can understand which homophone is the one you have heard.
Gatis S.
19 August 2015
Each of two or more words having the same sound but different meanings, origins, or spelling (e.g. A new book and I knew the answer).each of a set of symbols denoting the same sound or group of soundsBasically words that sound the same, but spelling are different and mean different things.
18 September 2015
The definitions.Which - Interrogative pronoun, used both substantively and adjectivally, and in direct and indirect questions, to ask for, or refer to, an individual person or thing among several of a class "which one is it?"Witch - A female sorcerer or magicianThey're - A shortened version of They are example "they're just country folk"There - In or at that place "it's not there"; "that man there"; "they have lived there for years"Here - In or at this place; where the speaker or writer is "I work here"; "turn here"; "radio waves received here on Earth"Hear- Perceive (sound) via the auditory sense or Get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally "I heard that she has two grown-up children"
18 September 2015
Witch is a scary looking woman in a black hat. Which is the word that can be used at the start of a question or as a conjunction. They're is instead of they are, the apostrophe replaces the a in are. Their shows something belonging to someone, or to more than one person, and there is used to show where something is: It's over there!We hear with our ears. As long as you can spell ear, you can then remember which version of hear to use. 
Helen W.
02 November 2015
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