
All questions on Business studies

I need a job description and a person specification

I need a job description and a person specification for business adminstration

A job description describes what a job is: what your are responsible for, who you report to, how and where you do the job. A person specification is a description of the ideal characteristics of the person who is likely to be able to do the job - this is much more subjective, but is intended to give potential applicants and understanding of what skills they need to do the job. 
06 September 2013
You can find lots of templates for business documents, like a job description at microsoft office, see office.microsoft.c…n-TC001119046.aspx
06 September 2013
Hi,Check out the link below, the one provided is specifically business related but in general the website provides job descriptions for almost all sectors of work.www.prospects.ac.u…_graduate_jobs.htm:-)
18 December 2013
This is a skills survey template you might like to complete before writing a job description and person specification. I'll look for an example of the JD and PS and add them if I find them. Good luck ! PaulType of data What to include Business objectives What is required in terms of outputs, levels of customer service, interactions with other parts of the organisation, etc. How these are measured. What is going to change? Technology and organisation of work How jobs are done now, in terms of organisation and resources available. What technologies do people use, and how this might change. Changes may also be planned in terms of numbers of people to carry out the targeted performance or in terms of the way they are supervised or managed. Employee demographics Who is currently employed in the area you are analysing. Whether numbers are increasing or decreasing, who is joining and leaving. What categories of employees are included. Education / qualifications Basic education, vocational or academic qualifications which can be linked to assumptions about people's expectations around learning provision, cognitive or thinking abilities, as well as their level of current skills and knowledge. Past experience What previous knowledge, skills, and behaviours have been expected in the past, and are required currently. This may be linked to the organisation’s competence framework. Experience of past training interventions. Job roles / responsibilities What individuals are doing at the moment, and what implications any changes will have for their roles. Current competence Current performance levels of individuals and teams, and any areas where competence needs to increase. This can be measured against both current and changed roles. Employee status Are people full or part-time, permanent or temporary, fixed contract or short-term contract? Location Where people are located in terms of geographical dispersion and access to training provision. Length of time in job The length of time people have spent in their current role might have an important bearing when it comes to meeting any identified training needs. Employee attitudes and culture How employees feel about change that is going on and whether they see it as opportunity or threat. How this will affect their willingness to learn and acquire new skills. Whether the organisation wants to change attitudes, for example in the way customers are treated, or to focus on particular performance standards.  
03 January 2014
If you still need this let me know and I can help you produce both.  Paul
13 May 2014
You are best of researching some available, compare 3 to give you a good idea of what is included and how businesses lay these out. This is purely for guidance; you should not copy any parts as this is plagiarism and could cause you loosing your qualification. If you use anything from the internet or a book you must reference where the information came from to give credit to the original author. I can help with referencing.
19 October 2017
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