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Proof reading

Hello! Can you proof read this for me and tell me what to put in and take out? Thank you! :

THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS This article is about the Cuban missile crisis and what John F. Kennedy did to block as much of the danger between Cuba and the U.S.A as he could. This is an important topic because if John F. Kennedy did not try hard to block the planned attacks from Cuba, this could have easily lead to a war between the Cubans and the Americans that might have sill lasted today. The first thing I learned was that Castro made Cuba allies with the Soviet Union. I secondly learned that John F. Kennedy stated a strong warning to Nikita Khrushchev that any missile launched from Cuba would be regarded as a Soviet attack , subject to U.S relationship when photos from the CIA spy planes showed that the Soviet technicians were building missile bases in Cuba, only 90 miles from Florida. The last thing I learned was that this crisis developed daily fear of catastrophe for both Americans and Soviets. Schools constantly trained students to “duck and cover” in case of an attack. I convict that during this time period, people of the U.S and Cuba were over flowed with anxiety, worried that the other side will soon attack. Contently, this scary time has passed and now the U.S and the Cubans live in peace.

Please do answer this before today? Thank you!
05 October 2012
I don't want to make too many changes to it because then it wouldn't really be your work. So mainly I'e just tidied up some of the spelling, punctuation and grammar. Whenever you see a pair of forward slashes //, you should delete them but start a new paragraph at that point. Notes in double square brackets [[here]] should also be removed but may give you some ideas to add to this article. "THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS //This article is about the Cuban Missile Crisis and what action President John F. Kennedy took to try to defuse the crisis between Cuba and the USA. This is an important topic because if Kennedy had not tried to block the planned attacks from Cuba, this could have easily lead to a war between the Cubans and the Americans that would have cost many lives and may still be going on today. //The first thing I learned was that Castro, then the Cuban Prime Minister, made Cuba allies with the Soviet Union [[Why? More background here would be good - why does it matter that Cuba allied with the Soviets? Why would Castro have chosen to ally with them and not the USA?]]. //I secondly learned that John F. Kennedy gave a strong warning to Nikita Khrushchev that any missiles launched from Cuba would be regarded as a Soviet attack and an act of war. This warning was given after photos from the CIA spy planes showed that Soviet technicians were building missile bases in Cuba, only 90 miles from Florida. //THe last thing I discovered was that during this crisis both Americans and Soviets lived in daily fear of catastrophe[[, with both sides heavily armed with nuclear weapons that if launched could destroy whole cities]]. Schools constantly trained students to “duck and cover” in case of an attack [[How much do you think this would achieve? Since the answer is nothing if a missile did land, why did they do it?]]. //It is my belief that during this time period, people of the U.S and Cuba were overflowed with anxiety, worried [[a stronger word than worried seems better]] that the other side would soon attack. Thankfully, this crisis has passed [[well how did that happen?]] and now the Americans and the Cubans live in peace. "
05 October 2012
05 October 2012
Did you know that you can now upload documents into homework Q&A?
05 October 2012
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