
All questions on History

Ten facts about Galileo Galilei

Ten facts about Galileo Galilei

1: Born 1564, near Pisa, Italy, son of musician 2: Professor of maths in Pisa, then Padua 3: Constructed telescope 1609; 4: Made many astronomical discoveries, eg mountains and valleys on surface of moon; 5: Apppointed court mathematician in Florence; 6: In 1641, accused of heresy because believed Copernicus' theory that sun at centre of solar system, whereas most people believed earth was.
20 September 2011
7: In 1616, forbidden by church from teaching his theories; 8: In 1632, again accused of heresy, after wrote a book giving arguments for and against Coopernicus' theory; 9: Convicted by Inquisition in Rome, and sentenced to house arrest; 10: Died 1642
20 September 2011
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