
All questions on Biology

The Carbon Cycle

Explain why the carbon cycle cannot effectively help reduce atmospheric CO2 levels.

There is a lot of CO2 released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels burn, as in the case of cars which burn petrol and diesel.Also, a lot of trees have been cut down for developing cities, this results in more carbon dioxide remaining in the atmosphere.
02 June 2014
In addition to Mary's answer, if you consider that global warming is an actual phenomenum (science says it is...), increasing global temperatures are melting ice caps.Carbon dioxide dissolves easily in water, it's how carbonated "fizzy" sodas work. When the drink is cold is stays fizzy for longer as the carbon dioxide is lost from the drink very slowly, but soda goes flat quickly in a warm room. Back to the oceans... When that water freezes that carbon dioxide becomes trapped, it cannot escape. Because the ice on the poles has been there for many thousands of years, many tonnes of carbon dioxide that have been trapped there are now being released as the ice is melting. And if the ice is melting, and none is freezing, none of this released carbon dioxide is being re-trapped and is remaining in the atmosphere.There simply aren't enough trees and green plants to "keep up" with the amount of carbon dioxide being released!There are no new fossil fuels being formed, which is another form of "carbon sink" because the habitats that formed fossil fuels in the first place have been changed or the areas used for human purposes.The only carbon sink we have left is green plants, but carbon sources include fossil fuels, melting ice, agriculture... You know the rest...I hope this helps!
27 August 2014
The carbon cycle is the process by which carbon is exchanged between the four reservoirs of carbon: the biosphere, the earth, the air and water. Exchanges take place in several ways, including respiration, transpiration,combustion, and decomposition. The carbon balance, or carbon budget, is the balance of exchange between the four reservoirs.The carbon cycle is the process by which carbon is exchanged between the four reservoirs of carbon: the biosphere, the earth, the air and water. Exchanges take place in several ways, including respiration, transpiration, combustion, and decomposition. The carbon balance, or carbon budget, is the balance of exchange between the four reservoirs.the carbon cycle' arises from a concern that use of fossil fuels, which has accelerated since the start of the industrial revolution, has caused carbon to accumulate in the atmosphere. Levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are estimated to have risen from 280 ppm to almost 400 ppm since 1800 and this is linked to global warming. It is therefore argued that the carbon cycle should be re-balanced by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.and because of not the right proportion ob balance carbon cycle cannot effectively help reduce atmospheric co2 level
28 August 2014
God bless Wikipedia!
29 August 2014
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