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  does anyone know how to describe a translation ???

A translation is a property that tells you how much to move a shape along the x axis and y axis. Translations are normally given as vectors which contain two numbers. The top number in the vector tells you whether to move the shape to the left (negative number) or to the right (positive number). The lower number tells you whether to move the shape up (positive) or down (negative).So a vector of { 3} { -5} would mean that the shape in question will move 3 units to the right and then five units down. The important thing to notice about translations is that the shape does not change in size or rotation, it stays exactly the same but is moved to a different position on the grid.
07 November 2010
A translation is a property that tells you how much to move a shape along the x axis and y axis. Translations are normally given as vectors which contain two numbers. The top number in the vector tells you whether to move the shape to the left (negative number) or to the right (positive number). The lower number tells you whether to move the shape up (positive) or down (negative).So a vector of { 3} { -5} would mean that the shape in question will move 3 units to the right and then five units down. The important thing to notice about translations is that the shape does not change in size or rotation, it stays exactly the same but is moved to a different position on the grid.
07 November 2010
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