
All questions on English literature

What does this quote mean?

For class we have to write an essay about how this quote (“In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy, but in passing it over, he is superior.”) and how it relates to the Cask of Amontillado. I don't really understand what the quote means.

The quote means that when someone does something bad to you, if you do something bad back (take revenge) it makes you the same (just as bad) as them. If you ignore it, it makes you better than them (superior).
Sarah N.
20 August 2017
The quote means that taking revenge against someone equates your behavior with the person, you think has committed the wrong and makes you as bad as that person. However, if you let go of your need to take revenge, you are a better person than your enemy. In the Cask of Amontillado, Montresor never told Fortunato the reason why he was taking revenge and why Fortunato was being killed. This possibly because Montresor himself did not know the exactly why he was taking revenge. Thus the idea behind taking or ignoring revenge connects the quote to the Cask of Amontillado!
Rutuja D.
21 August 2017
Hi think this means that if someone does you wrong and you seek revenge you are no better then them- you are on the same level- which is not great i.e if someone hits you and you hit them back you have had your revenge but you have had to scoop to their level and be aggressive back... If you ignore it and walk away you are the better person because you have risen above it and realised and little these things do not matter- by not hitting back you are more principled because violence is for people that have no other expression.... Hope this makes better sense 
Kristina J.
23 August 2017
It means, that if you take out revenge on someone, you are not any better than the person who committed the original crime. By not taking revenge, you are the better person. Hope this helps. Fiona
Fiona D.
23 October 2017
I don't know the novel that quote is gotten from but I know the meaning.The quote means that when you revenge,you're not different from your enemy because enemies are regarded as evil people whose main goal is to revenge whether one is guilty or not,they still want to 'revenge'.But when one does not revenge,one is greater than one's enemy or forgiving,saint,righteous.
27 April 2018
I don't know the novel that quote is gotten from but I know the meaning.The quote means that when you revenge,you're not different from your enemy because enemies are regarded as evil people whose main goal is to revenge whether one is guilty or not,they still want to 'revenge'.But when one does not revenge,one is greater than one's enemy or forgiving,saint,righteous.
27 April 2018
Revenge is somewhat ephemeral ,my suggestion in it is that one has or ought to move placidly to avoid ending up infringed or damaged inside or in your thoughts which end up in destruction of not only you and also interfere with your life circle in that the urge and ambition of doing revenge makes you bitter and raged that when someone tends to joke with you or even ask you a question you feel that you not in the mood always since the evil that you plot for someone is taking over your head.so its better not to do revenge but keep distance with the doer of the action.
Joe Simon
24 October 2022
ALL OF YOU ARE WRONG! Lol (but all of you are so nice! Thank you being a good human and not taking revenge on anyone). However, the quote means that when you take revenge you must make a huge statement that no one will ever forget and try you ever again! Revenge must always hit your target with perfection and your actions must be clear. So, if you are down with getting revenge, make sure it’s is profound and absolute!
10 April 2023
He'll stay At your best, at your worst, and even in the middle
03 September 2023
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